Maybe you’ve wanted to do Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement Lessons for yourself or your child… but you don’t have a practitioner that lives nearby.
So you think it’s impossible to get NeuroMovement Lessons for yourself or your child… and have meaningful changes in the way you move, feel and use your body.
But actually, you probably can (and should) get in-person NeuroMovement Lessons… even if you don’t live near a practitioner.
That’s because NeuroMovement appointments are scheduled differently from therapy or alternative approaches.
Most professionals schedule your sessions once or twice a week.
And if you’ve ever tried these approaches… you might not have had lasting changes (or perhaps any changes).
That can be frustrating.
Here’s one of the main reasons this happens:
When sessions are spread out like that … it’s nearly impossible to make lasting changes.
Research shows that when you allow too much time to pass between appointments… you don’t retain the newly acquired information nearly as well.
But when one session follows another by only hours… your brain is primed to retain the information, learn more and build upon your knowledge at each session.
That’s why NeuroMovement Lessons are scheduled hours apart over a few days.
This is one of the many reasons NeuroMovement is different and more effective.
You immerse yourself and know much more after a few days than you would if you spent a month doing the same number of appointments.
If you usually go to therapy or alternative appointments twice a week over a month… that’d be 8 appointments.
With NeuroMovement, you can accomplish way more with those 8 appointments by doing them twice a day for just 4 days.
That’s a month’s worth of progress in just 4 short days!
So if you want to make lasting changes, NeuroMovement’s ”immersion learning process” can help you do that.
And if you’ve ever wanted to vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina…
You can come work with me. I’ll help you relieve an ache or pain that’s been bothering you… or help your child with movement or learning challenges progress.
While you’re here… you can enjoy Asheville’s breath-taking mountain views, great restaurants, easy-to-access hiking trails and gentle pace.
You can get in touch with me about in-person NeuroMovement Lessons by emailing me at: [email protected]
~Lara Gillease
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